Does seem very strange that a 'rape victim' would be sexually active again 2 weeks after the alleged attack
Just for a more measured response/explanation...
The reason what you wrote got everyone's goat is that it came across as though you're judging her on her sexual behaviour with (I presume) no knowledge of the the personalities of the people involved. Putting rape victim in quotes reads as patronising, even if that's not what you intended and uses the same style of language as a lot of rape apologists.
I understand how initially you might think that someone who is the victim of sexual assault wouldn't want sex that soon after the event. But it's not that simple. Also from what I understand of the story this happened during what started out as consensual sex, which I could imagine might make someones feelings about the event incredibly complicated.
Does seem very strange that a 'rape victim' would be sexually active again 2 weeks after the alleged attack