Did the big commute again today but took the A1055 instead of the 1010. It's definitely not what you'd consider a pleasant route, but it is faster and I didn't have any issues with close passes or anything. According to Strava the first 17 miles was at an average speed of 20mph, but then once I got to London it slowed down a bit.
Stopped to check on a scooter guy who'd fallen off due to a proper oil slick on Seven Sisters Hill, I rode through it without realising, guess I was lucky not to come off. Then I got lost in Central after trying to find an alternative to riding straight down through Oxford Circus, so overall time was only 5 mins quicker than the 1010 route but I think I can improve on that...
Did the big commute again today but took the A1055 instead of the 1010. It's definitely not what you'd consider a pleasant route, but it is faster and I didn't have any issues with close passes or anything. According to Strava the first 17 miles was at an average speed of 20mph, but then once I got to London it slowed down a bit.
Stopped to check on a scooter guy who'd fallen off due to a proper oil slick on Seven Sisters Hill, I rode through it without realising, guess I was lucky not to come off. Then I got lost in Central after trying to find an alternative to riding straight down through Oxford Circus, so overall time was only 5 mins quicker than the 1010 route but I think I can improve on that...