Filming in IR would be awesome!
It doesn't necessarily need long exposure. That's only if you use a filter on a normal camera.
Mine is an old canon 20d with the IR filter removed from the sensor + a colour filter over the lens. So it is effectively full spectrum, picking up everything, IR, UV and visual light.
But it doesn't require long shutter speeds, it's the same as a regular slr in that respect. So you could do the same to a video camera I suppose and record in the same way. Just needs a bit of post work to get the right look.
I have Flickr but rarely been using it in the past few years. Flickr.com/dogtemple if you want to check it out.
Have another one
That's mange in that fox, you can treat it, especially if you feed them.
Have a photo.
Colour Infrared anamorphic