Would you be willing to pay an economic cost for, for example:
-True UK democratic reform (STV and voted in house of lords)
-Fairer tradedeals that don't screw over some parts of the world (don't worry they make us pay later in dividends, typical short term thinking...)
-Less power of company lobbying on the government
-Really reigning in the banks (which also caused issues in the EU, see the fuckery of German banks and Greece)
I am going to play devil's advocate:
Would you be willing to pay an economic cost for, for example:
-True UK democratic reform (STV and voted in house of lords)
-Fairer tradedeals that don't screw over some parts of the world (don't worry they make us pay later in dividends, typical short term thinking...)
-Less power of company lobbying on the government
-Really reigning in the banks (which also caused issues in the EU, see the fuckery of German banks and Greece)