• #53
To other people it shows how a president uses certain language/words (in an acceptable context), and this can be juxtaposed against how a potential president uses the same language/words.
• #54
What happens if he wins? Civil war?
• #55
Shouldn't the CIA be stepping in to sort this silliness out?
• #56
Civil war?
Nukular, more likely.
• #57
I do not pay much attention to American presidential guff, can some clear up for me, they base their elected officials on who can slag off their opposition more convincingly. Not on policy or beliefs?
• #58
Pretty much. This election is like bad reality TV. There's been very little in the way of actual policy.
• #59
To be fair there's been plenty of policy from Trump. He's going to build a big wall, he's going to ban Muslim immigrants, he's going to put 45% import tax on Chinese imports, basically whatever crosses his mind as he's speaking.
• #60
Shouldn't the CIA be stepping in to sort this silliness out?
Do we know who leaked the tape?
• #61
• #62
Staff working on The Apprentice have said there is loads more that could come out (including massively racist stuff) but everyone signed cast iron NDAs to keep content secret as it was a gameshow and the producer not the networks owns the tapes and he isn't answering calls.
• #63
Mark Cuban has promised to cover any leaker's legal expenses
• #64
^ I'm hoping something will come of all that stuff...
• #65
To be fair there's been plenty of policy from Trump. He's going to build a big wall, he's going to ban Muslim immigrants, he's going to put 45% import tax on Chinese imports, basically whatever crosses his mind as he's speaking.
You can only hope that he won't import the wall from China, that could get expensive.
• #66
The election is too important not to look at it from every perspective:
• #67
Trump has to be a hoax planted by the Democrats to emasculate the GOP, there's just no other possibility:
• #68
Republican conspiracy theorists are saying that too.
• #69
I know, it's my favourite conspiracy theory at the moment.
Wait, you mean they say the election is on the 28th November? :)
• #70
A classic case of he said/she said. On the one hand, there are women who say that Trump groped them without consent. But on the other hand, Trump says he groped women without consent. So, which of them do you believe?
• #71
Opening up Twitter and so far I have Donald Trump
- assaulting a People journalist trying to interview him
-spying on 15 yo beauty pageant entrants changing
-groping fellow passengers on a plane
-threatening the NYT for reporting any of this stuff
- assaulting a People journalist trying to interview him
• #73
• #74
Donald Trump warned voters at a rally in Ocala, Florida that electing Hillary Clinton in November would lead Isis to “take over this country”
A likely scenario, yes.
And Rudy Giuliani:
In recalling the aftermath of 9/11, Giuliani wrongly told the crowd: “I don’t remember seeing Hillary Clinton there.” There are numerous photographs of Clinton, then a New York senator, with Giuliani at Ground Zero.
• #75
Now I'm convinced we're living in a simulation :)
To some people, apparently Obama saying the word 'pussy' means it's ok that Trump jokes about sexually assaulting women.