Sheldon also reckoned you could preload by force using your own weight although I've never managed it but I'm a 60kg weakling
Me and my 75kg bulk gave it a go before heading to the LBS, worked (enough) to ride tomorrow. £2.50 FSA version from CRC is in the post. Cheers for the tip!
Just a tip for when it arrives, and so you don't have to wait for the answers here... if it just spins when you try and tighten it up, you'll need to tighten (before inserting it) it so it expands and takes a little push to get it in the steerer, it should work a dream then!
Me and my 75kg bulk gave it a go before heading to the LBS, worked (enough) to ride tomorrow. £2.50 FSA version from CRC is in the post. Cheers for the tip!