I have a fairly simple problem.
I've got a table of data for monthly notifications between now and forever.
At some point someone wants to say:
show me the notifications from this date, for variable number of data points on.
So. cell a2 : enter date. Cell a1: number of data points. cell a3: calculates the date n data points (from a1) from cell a2.
Simple yeah?
i have a table to do the control calculations (upper and lower and mean) and graphs to plot.
However. I've made this 18 (which is the maximum n of data points on).
I would think it's fairly easy to filter the table of calculations based on cell values from a1,2, and 3. right?
How? I've tried advanced filter and used ">="&a2 for example.
I have a fairly simple problem.
I've got a table of data for monthly notifications between now and forever.
At some point someone wants to say:
show me the notifications from this date, for variable number of data points on.
So. cell a2 : enter date. Cell a1: number of data points. cell a3: calculates the date n data points (from a1) from cell a2.
Simple yeah?
i have a table to do the control calculations (upper and lower and mean) and graphs to plot.
However. I've made this 18 (which is the maximum n of data points on).
I would think it's fairly easy to filter the table of calculations based on cell values from a1,2, and 3. right?
How? I've tried advanced filter and used ">="&a2 for example.
What have i missed?