Ooh, where did you hire the Myst from? That'd be a giggle, I've never ridden a full suspension rig, bar one trip down Pub Run at Greno woods on a YT Wicked.
I don't feel like I missed out on the true Revs experience by riding HT. All the steep and techy stuff is what I grew up riding (early/mid 90s, fully rigid). My main limiting factor is I've never got used to riding things like that fast. It would have been nice not to have to endure the braking bumps so much in a couple of spots, but then my mates were suffering on them too (Nukeproof Scalp, Process 153).
Nice one. I thought about riding my Stanton there but then thought better of it. Lots of nice big holes to swallow up the 26" wheels. And the thought of getting hooked up on the steep sections on a hardtail put me off. I hired a Saracen Myst in the end, my first time on a downhill rig and that was excellent.
I might go back sometime with the Stanton, maybe...
Really I think Revs is best done on a long travel all-mountain or a downhill bike, but kudos for doing it on the hardtail.