It's all to do with their emnity towards News International and the Murdochs. The latter support cycling, through their sponsorship of both British Cycling and Team Sky, plus editorial support from The Times following the appalling injuries Mary Bowers, a Times journalist, suffered when she was hit by a truck in London.
In the mind Paul Dacre this makes cycling a fair target for the Mail, and it resonates a lot with his readership who don't like anything that isn't 'normal'.
The DM is back to cyclist bashing.
In case anyone missed it, the Daily Mail yesterday started a campaign against cycle lanes and by default, cyclists.
It's all nonsense of course but it's stirred up some strong anti-cyclist sentiment.
I saw it too. Specifically aimed at the Mail reading knuckledraggers.
Thereader's reactions piece today makes for depressing/frightening reading.
Be safe everyone.
If anyone wants to complain:
as I'd imagine it breaches the 'accuracy' and 'public interest' sections of the Editor's Code Of Practice, as well as stirring up hatred.