This is who I used http://hugginslaw.co.uk/about-us-ann-hines She was decent and I'm guessing reasonably local for you (although I never found it necessary to see them in person).
That's who our seller used, we nearly pulled out due to how she was handling things at her end. We went nearly a month before questions our solicitor raised were passed to the seller. The seller was consistently told we were not yet in a position to sign when our solicitor had already said that he had everything signed and was just waiting on the answers to questions. She even stopped talking to the estate agent's progressions manager because he kept calling for updates.
Morning all, Mrs Roo and me just had our offer accepted on a place up in Upper Clapton after a long while looking. Our last place fell through because of our solicitors taking over two months to complete the initial queries (they are called RMNJ and are based in Liverpool, I would avoid them at all costs if you can).
I know people have posted details of good solicitors on here before but it's almost impossible to find using search. If someone has used a good un recently, could they pass me the details? Thanks.