Full frame bag and waterbottles up front somehow?
Or smaller toptube bag with bottle in traditional place?
Try them and find what works for you. I used a Tangle with bottles. Peeps like @skinny used a full bag with bladder. Still others had bottles mounted around the bike so you could use a framebag full of kit + bottles. Depends on what you 'need' to carry.
Look for "BTA mounts", fork bottle cages, temporary bottle cage mounts, zip tie bottle cages anywhere, etc.
TCR related question
Full frame bag and waterbottles up front somehow?
Or smaller toptube bag with bottle in traditional place?
Will probably have a large Apidura seatpack but wary of packing that too full as I don't want it fucking with climbing cadence when standing up.
What solutions are there for having waterbottles up front?