Yes, early education-era Gove was also a fan of the CCF, (Combined Cadet Force), for state schools. It seems to be a Tory/Free Schools mantra that now has to be adopted by any grouping attempting to open a new secondary school.
Out here in Hillingdon, in the north of the borough, (where a previous Tory Council demolished a previously Secondary Modern school, and sold the land for housing), a generation on, there is the requirement for a complete new 6/7/8 form entry secondary school.
A consortium of other secondary school headteachers, wishing to embark on new careers as property developers, included the cadet option, as a given, in their prospectus.
Yes, early education-era Gove was also a fan of the CCF, (Combined Cadet Force), for state schools. It seems to be a Tory/Free Schools mantra that now has to be adopted by any grouping attempting to open a new secondary school.
Out here in Hillingdon, in the north of the borough, (where a previous Tory Council demolished a previously Secondary Modern school, and sold the land for housing), a generation on, there is the requirement for a complete new 6/7/8 form entry secondary school.
A consortium of other secondary school headteachers, wishing to embark on new careers as property developers, included the cadet option, as a given, in their prospectus.