I have (well, we're pretty certain I do) paraoxysmal tachycardia - maybe have a look at the symptoms of that and see if it's related. When I do really hard efforts (sprints, long VO2 max/anaerobic intervals), sometimes when I'm recovering my heart rate will suddenly shoot through the roof - hitting numbers (on my HR strap) that I can't even reach when I'm at my limit. Hitting 185bpm requires me to be super fresh and practically bringing my lunch up, but when I get a tachycardia episode my heart rate will go from 140bpm to 220bpm instantly, and stay there for a good 30s until the rhythm restores.
From fairly extensive testing (Holter monitor, ECG, blood tests, ultrasound, interview with a cardiologist), we think it's paraoxsymal tachycardia, but benign and not too much to worry myself about.
Definitely see your GP. They don't take this lightly, and nor should you. Hearts are complicated.
Tried again this weekend with a new heart rate strap. Guess I'll be calling the Doc later on today.
Constant effort, heart rate steadily rising and then it felt like a lurch in my chest and the reading instantly went from 175 to 220. I stopped and sat up and tried feeling my pulse manually. I have no real idea of the speed, but I'd guess more like 170, but missing every third beat.