Funny you should say that, I found one of the problematic computers in the shed today and it's a Knog 12! It's still being sold as a 'no signal interference' model but I couldn't get it to work with Smart Lunar or Cateye lights. Also found a Cateye Strada that, I think, didn't work with a Hope Vision 1. It seems pretty random though, considering there are people claiming that they have problems with one light but not with another of the exact same model...
Funny you should say that, I found one of the problematic computers in the shed today and it's a Knog 12! It's still being sold as a 'no signal interference' model but I couldn't get it to work with Smart Lunar or Cateye lights. Also found a Cateye Strada that, I think, didn't work with a Hope Vision 1. It seems pretty random though, considering there are people claiming that they have problems with one light but not with another of the exact same model...