• #42402
Yeah, but I believe these assumptions have been confirmed through further evidence. Phone records, things like that. They've narrowed it down to 100 suspects. Getting that further might take a while...
• #42403
They'll never find them.
• #42404
I agree. And Russia's behaviour in Syria indicates the zero-fucks state of affairs.
• #42405
Are we getting a guaranteed oil supply?
Petrol use>human lives.
Every cyclist knows this. -
• #42406
Where is this going?
Who will end up here?http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/con_camps_fema.htm
Given the numbers of captured/televised state sanctioned executions, the lack of general empathy and with it, de-sensitisation, no interest in criminal prosecution of those directly behind the trigger, I wonder...
It's the next level industrial prison complex. -
• #42407
FEMA have set these camps up for survivors to shelter in when the Zombie Apocalypse occurs.
Or something like that...
• #42408
The only solution is more guns, less government, more paranoia, and fewer chemtrails.
• #42409
Don't forget building the giant ice wall that is Antarctica a little higher.
• #42410
• #42411
In all seriousness though, trying to somehow conflate institutional racism with conspiracy theory bullshit nonsense can fuck off.
• #42412
Russian supplied, not Russian state launched.
There's no way local rebels would have known how to operate a BUK. It's complex and requires a lot of training.
That missile was launched by Russian troops.
• #42413
It was always a Russian Buk.
I don't understand what part of this is new information...
It's not, a Ukrainian rebel leader told Reuters in July 2014 that they did have BUK missiles:
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-ukraine-crisis-commander-exclusive-idUSKBN0FS1V920140723Realising the implications of what he'd said he then frantically backtracked of course, but he said it.
It's important to have a proper international investigation though.
These weapons weren't being borrowed from Russian bases out of the back door either, they were going with full approval (and a Russian defence ministry stamp):
http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-ukraine-crisis-arms-specialreport-idUKKBN0FY0U320140729 -
• #42414
That's what they want you to believe.
• #42415
Unless the Rebels were trained by Russians or ex military.
• #42416
me no rite so gud
• #42417
Didn't they have social media pictures from active Russian soldiers inside Ukraine. Odds are that these weapons were manned and used by Russian troops and no rebel came with a half mile of the things.
• #42418
I don't know who did it. I was just commenting that you can't be sure it was the Russian Military because you don't believe the rebels know how to.
Basically I'm being a picky internet bore...if I wasn't so lazy I'd lookup what kind of fallacy it is then quote it back to everyone so they know how clever I am.
• #42419
Than I'd shed a tear at how isolated I have become and acknowledge that Fox is probably right anyway and whats the fucking point why do I EVEN BOTHER.
• #42421
just cyclists, mind.
• #42422
Will be interesting to see how that ties in with shed loads of construction trucks for HS2.
• #42423
Too many peds got killed for them to mentioned I guess.
• #42424
They'll just need to buy safer lorries.
• #42425
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37516844 I think this is really interesting but I don't understand why the media aren't focusing on the fact the inquiry were taking legal advice from a Master Chef presenter? How did Greg Wallace get away with it?
But that was always assumed to be the case based on satellite photos and witness accounts. Ok, proof is proof but this doesn't really change much. Maybe it will give politicians licence to say stronger things to Putin but what do they think that will achieve?
I'm not questioning the validity of any of this, but Putin clearly gives zero fucks...