• #15702
Is Super Mario Bros U worth the upgrade over the old Wii version? I'm still playing that
• #15703
I've never played the Wii version, I ordered it last week, arrives on Monday... So I can't say, but it's a bloody great game... Pick up a cheap copy, I think you even get Luigi bundled in with it now...
• #15704
Belated, but Imperialism might scratch that itch
https://www.gog.com/game/imperialism -
• #15705
Build your own ;)
• #15706
That looks great - never heard of it. Just bulking out my Steam library with Settlers games at the mo and having another crack at Banished but will definitely pick Imperialism (and the prequel which looks like it has good reviews) up.
• #15707
Toying with it. Also have something in mind like a science/lab based game - a bit like a crafting mini-game in an RPG but that's going to require some fairly serious coffee and thinking.
• #15708
It just popped up on Rock Paper Shotgun a couple of days ago which helped.
I quite like their have you played series for skimming through
https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/tag/have-you-played/Edit: Speaking of which, it drew my attention to this
which is one of my favorite bits of non-playing entertainment -
• #15709
Having played both when they first came out, I found Imperialism way better than Imperialism 2.
• #15710
Anyone looking for an xbox one or a 4k blu ray player at the moment, head over to tesco.
You can get the new xbox one s (500gb) with fifa 17 (which you can flog on eBay) for £199 after voucher code TDX-HTNK.
• #15711
Fallout 4 for £9.99 (PC) or £14.99 (Console) with extra stuff goodies from Amazon.
• #15712
State of Decay is pretty decent.
I tried to set up a farm (growing peppers) near Balota. Didn't last my first crop before being KOS. -
• #15713
I really wanted to like SoD but it felt like a ps1 game and every mechanic, driving, walking, combat felt clunky as fuck
• #15714
Got my One S bundle with FIFA today. Lovely move from my 360 slim, although waiting forever for installs can get fucked...
• #15715
Deu Sex: HR for under 4 quid on the staems. Amazing game considering it's five years old.
• #15716
Orly. May re-buy as I don't think I'll be replaying it on Xbox 360...
• #15717
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Those credits. Jesus.
Overall it was okay. Very much a sequel to Human Revolutions. Not approaching (what I remember to be) the incredible thing that was the first one.
• #15718
My 15 year old nephew, who's very green, super spoilt and generally clueless about the real world is the kid in that ^ meme... Seems to think he'll walk into a videogame job because he plays them all the time... Little twat...
A miserable and crippling career in QA awaits!
• #15719
Doubt it, QA still requires a fair bit of logical thinking and attention to detail.
• #15720
Just seen this... looks pretty immense, could be a decent single player element
• #15721
Alternatively it could be wank cos they used all the budget on a fancy trailer. It's not like they have form for decent single player campaigns.
I'd put money on very linear maps, much quick-time button mashing and on-rails vehicle shooting stuff, all done and dusted in eight hours. Standard.
• #15722
Alternatively, it could buck the trend. You never know
• #15723
Hmmm... kinda see what you're saying. I just swapped my 950 for a 970 and want to push things graphically. Maybe I'll try fallout 4 again if no one has any better recommendations? Open world, zombies, that kinda vibe...
• #15724
I've actually just finished a play through of Fallout New Vegas. Forgot how much fun it was.
Zombiewise... Presume you've tried 7 Days To Die / H1Z1 / Dead Island 2 etc?
• #15725
Not sure those will be graphic pushes though :/
If you want to push things Witcher / Just Cause / Arma 3 / Metro / though some of that could be interpreted as just 'badly optimised' and not necessarily graphically flashy.
Witches 3 does look flashy af on the 5k iMac though :P
PS Still loving Luigi U, laid up with a virus so been playing it loads... Great game!