Yeah I think I know how to be sensible with food, just been lacking the discipline recently.
Wouldn't say I've ever 'trained' as I don't cycle competitively or anything but I work shifts and will normally try get out on the bike when I've got days off, especially if the Mrs is working but recently we'd been trying to coordinate our days off to get wedding stuff done.
I think that's been the biggest problem.
Actually that plus if we had stuff to do in town we'd also go for coffee and probably have some cakes etc too.
So long story short, increase in calorie intake, decrease in calorie expenditure = increase in belly size.
It sounds easily rectifiabke, I hope it is!
Sounds like you already know hot to eat / train but you just need to get back into it? :)
It's very easy to overcalorie some foods being really good 90% of the time and just a few beers/one naughty dinner, lunch, breakfast a week may do it?
The bmj calculation are shit I'm about 25% fat which is normal for a female but at 24 bmi already. A big belly is never good though :)