• #2
Hmm, maybe, yes. What are the dimensions?
• #3
One in the photo is 50cm x 33 x 17 height.
• #4
Yes please!
PMd -
• #6
Interested if not already taken
• #8
Taken pending collection.
• #9
Did they get collected? I was just searching "wine" on the forum in the hope of finding one of these for my new bike rack.
• #10
Yes, but there are more where they came from, caused by drinking moar wine.
How many you after?
• #11
Just the one, really. I bought a Pizza rack and threw a plastic box on there but it looks a little... crap.
1 Attachment
• #12
Although if you have more and are throwing them out, I could give them a good home.
• #13
Haven't got lots atm - more wines are coming in cardboard cases these days; guess it's a cost thing. I'll have a look.
• #14
found a nice deep one... it's quite sturdy. Not lightweight. See PM.
• #15
If you do end up with some nice wood ones, I'd love some for the house
• #17
Awesome. Thanks
• #18
Bump, just in case anyone has any boxes going spare. I’m after a few.
• #19
Sparks, I still have the those waiting for you!
Well, not those ones from 4 years ago but some other ones.
Edit: perhaps replying under the PM thread about the guitar amp wasn't my best idea...
• #20
Oh, amazing. Are you in this weekend? Maybe I can swing by and get them?
• #21
I'm around on Sunday if that's any good?
• #22
If you have more of them lying around, I'll be happy to pick one up!
• #23
had a look, i have a couple of 6 and one 12 size boxes.
• #24
The 12 one would be lovely to get my hands on! You still in E17? I’m actually in london this weekend. So I could pick it up either today or tomorrow
• #25
What a fantastic thread dredge! Could I grab the two 6x cases if they're available?
Anyone have a use for these? I have (I think) 4 full cases like this and a half case which is the same footprint bit shallower. Free to collect from E17, otherwise they are kindling.