Thanks Ed.
Got a 7 in the end. Would have like to get the SE, but you cant do it on the Uprgrade Programme, and I know i'm going to want the next gen phone when it comes out, so thought the upgrade prgramme was the best option.It's nice. The screen is very good. The captouch stuff and finger print recognition is next level. Will actually start using it now. It always took a few trys to work on my 6, so never really bothered.
Am tempted to buy a second hand 32GB SE to use whilst riding, as I also like to take photos!
My iPhone 6 has officially given up the ghost after being dropped multiple times, most catastrophically whilst riding. Had the screen replaced a few months ago (not by apple), now far left side of the screen doesnt respond to touch, so using the keyboard is problematic.
Reserved a 7 this morning to pick up after work, although now I'm thinking I should get an SE instead, as I'm not really overwhelmed with what i've seen from the 7, and I sort of like the idea of going back to something a bit smaller.
Will probably get the 7 on the upgrade programme thing, but dont think the you can do that with the SE?
Whats the forum Mac gurus opinions on the SE?