But in the same Telegraph article the same doctor says he doesn't think the hay fever drug would work well as a PED. So the whole argument goes around in circles.
Fundamentally it seems highly unlikely Wiggins personally sat around all those years ago studying peer reviewed scientific studies, slowly whittling down which hay fever drug he should take ahead of a grand tour. A Sky doctor took the decision, and WADA/UCI/whoever approved it. Wiggins is free from blame as far as I can see.
But in the same Telegraph article the same doctor says he doesn't think the hay fever drug would work well as a PED. So the whole argument goes around in circles.
Fundamentally it seems highly unlikely Wiggins personally sat around all those years ago studying peer reviewed scientific studies, slowly whittling down which hay fever drug he should take ahead of a grand tour. A Sky doctor took the decision, and WADA/UCI/whoever approved it. Wiggins is free from blame as far as I can see.