So I've been tidying up the shed, and it's time to get rid of the parts bin.
I'm uploading en-masse photos because, well I don't run a flipping photography studio but, starting from top to bottom, left to right.
£25 Fizik R3 Uomo road shoe, size 45 (10.5 uk) 2 years old, would be a good winter shoe
£25 Shimano TR70 tri shoe, size 46 (11 uk), 5 years old, 2 years use, top level shoe which can be re-moulded
£10 Fizik Arione saddle, white, 3 years use, not for the best bike (@inkleined, @IRLeo
£5 Selle Italia XO, new (@inkleined) £15 Catlike Whisper Plus helmet (@xmicckax)
£15 Sunwise sunnies (comes with four lenses) £15 2x Vittoria Open Corsa CX 25mm, around 500m use, worn but plenty life left (@MattG87) £25 Schwale One tubular, 26mm, used once for a single race, too wide for my frame
£10 Ultegra RD6700, some scratches after a dropped bike, works fine (@Batt)
£15 Ultegra FD6600, used, still works perfectly (@user50283) £20 Ultegra BR6600 brakeset, used, works perfectly (@SpamAllan)
£free Canyon Torque wrench (@inkleined, @andyfallsoff )
£5 2x Specialized 'rib' cages, used but fresh looking and solid £10 Carradice saddle bag, good patina, pins not included (@hamrackk)
£25 Brompton telescopic seatpost, used for 6 weeks, great nick £45 Canyon VCLS (single), 2 bolt post, 27.2mm, 3 months use (@MattG87) £45 Canyon VCLS2 (split), 1 bolt post, 27.2mm, used (@andyfallsoff)
£15 Ultegra RD6600, great condition, shifts well, 2 years usage (@spj7, @user50283) £10 Ultegra PD6600, lots of scuff and scratches but roll super smooth still (@cagimaha)
£3 M-Part seat clamp, 31.8 external measure, new
£3 Unknown seat clamp, 31.8, used for 2 weeks
£25 Ritchey stem 1300mm, 1 1/4th steerer (the weird Canyon one) £10 Fibre flare rear light, great visibility (@sacredhart)
£10 Ultegra 6700 cassette, 11-25, used but life left in it, does not skip, changed due to needing a 28!
£5 SR quill stem, could use a polish
£5 SR seatpost, same £15 Shimano arabesque brake levers, some minor sratches, beautiful, no hoods (@mr_lunch)
£15 Shimano arabesque BB, italian threaded, complete with bearings, shell etc, excellent cond.
I will take a look at pricing but everything is open to (sensible) offers.
So I've been tidying up the shed, and it's time to get rid of the parts bin.
I'm uploading en-masse photos because, well I don't run a flipping photography studio but, starting from top to bottom, left to right.
£25 Fizik R3 Uomo road shoe, size 45 (10.5 uk) 2 years old, would be a good winter shoe£25 Shimano TR70 tri shoe, size 46 (11 uk), 5 years old, 2 years use, top level shoe which can be re-moulded
£10 Fizik Arione saddle, white, 3 years use, not for the best bike (
@inkleined, @IRLeo£5 Selle Italia XO, new (@inkleined)
£15 Catlike Whisper Plus helmet (@xmicckax)£15 Sunwise sunnies (comes with four lenses)
£15 2x Vittoria Open Corsa CX 25mm, around 500m use, worn but plenty life left (@MattG87)£25 Schwale One tubular, 26mm, used once for a single race, too wide for my frame£10 Ultegra RD6700, some scratches after a dropped bike, works fine (@Batt)
£15 Ultegra FD6600, used, still works perfectly (@user50283)
£20 Ultegra BR6600 brakeset, used, works perfectly (@SpamAllan)£free Canyon Torque wrench (@inkleined, @andyfallsoff )
£5 2x Specialized 'rib' cages, used but fresh looking and solid
£10 Carradice saddle bag, good patina, pins not included (@hamrackk)£25 Brompton telescopic seatpost, used for 6 weeks, great nick
£45 Canyon VCLS (single), 2 bolt post, 27.2mm, 3 months use (@MattG87)£45 Canyon VCLS2 (split), 1 bolt post, 27.2mm, used (@andyfallsoff)£15 Ultegra RD6600, great condition, shifts well, 2 years usage (@spj7, @user50283)
£10 Ultegra PD6600, lots of scuff and scratches but roll super smooth still (@cagimaha)£3 M-Part seat clamp, 31.8 external measure, new
£3 Unknown seat clamp, 31.8, used for 2 weeks
£25 Ritchey stem 1300mm, 1 1/4th steerer (the weird Canyon one)
£10 Fibre flare rear light, great visibility (@sacredhart)£10 Ultegra 6700 cassette, 11-25, used but life left in it, does not skip, changed due to needing a 28!
£5 SR quill stem, could use a polish
£5 SR seatpost, same
£15 Shimano arabesque brake levers, some minor sratches, beautiful, no hoods (@mr_lunch)£15 Shimano arabesque BB, italian threaded, complete with bearings, shell etc, excellent cond.
I will take a look at pricing but everything is open to (sensible) offers.