To connect a speaker you just need a + and a -. Options are to either just choose a + and a - and wire up your speaker, or to wire both + to your speaker +, and both - to your speaker -.
It's likely that either option will achieve the same or similar result. If you just have one cable for each speaker, try selecting, for example, r+ and l- to the + and - on your speaker and see how that sounds.
Amp 1 (left channel): r+ to + on left speaker, l- to - on left speaker.
Amp 2 (right channel): r+ to + on right speaker, l- to - on right speaker.
So on a stereo amp you have l+, l-, r+, r-.
To connect a speaker you just need a + and a -. Options are to either just choose a + and a - and wire up your speaker, or to wire both + to your speaker +, and both - to your speaker -.
It's likely that either option will achieve the same or similar result. If you just have one cable for each speaker, try selecting, for example, r+ and l- to the + and - on your speaker and see how that sounds.
Amp 1 (left channel): r+ to + on left speaker, l- to - on left speaker.
Amp 2 (right channel): r+ to + on right speaker, l- to - on right speaker.
I reckon that will work ok.