It's a true widescreen image, taken with a widescreen lens from a cinema screen projector.
You have to bodge it on to the front of another lens and it squeezes a wide image in to a normal frame, you then pull it out width ways and it makes a wide image. That's how it's done with actual cinema recordings and projections. Only difference here is that it's done with a normal camera.
So it's not cropped in other words :)
It takes a lot of mucking around though to get that one picture. Certainly not a point and shoot kind of thing.
Glad you think it may have been a screen shot, I always aim to make those look like paused movie shots. I've done quite a few, the last ones I've done like this have been in colour infrared so look quite surreal.
Is this a screenshot ......confused...... looks like widescreen but wave breaks over bottom line
and the triangle ?.....I like it whatever just interested..