• #27
hi @Velocio, came back to the forum after quite some time only to discover new log-in procedure and have been automatically given this new account. my original is @FlowRider, could you please fix this up for me? would like to continue using flowrider, thx in advance
• #28
Fixed, just sign out and sign in again and you shall be @FlowRider
• #29
worked out, thanks again
• #30
I can no longer use the guest view function on any device I have previously used to log in. Not a big deal but a bit annoying because I seem to get logged out every time I close the browser
• #31
I'm confused by that.
Guest view is logged out. But how can it log you out of guest view?
And the cookie is permanent, if the browser is clearing it every time are you browsing in private browsing / incognito mode?
We don't store passwords.
Passwords get compromised.
Passwords make you hack target.
Passwords then appear on https://haveibeenpwned.com/
Just look at this page https://haveibeenpwned.com/PwnedWebsites and search for "vbulletin" or "forum". Most forum software is hacked at some point, we never have, but I don't want to contribute to that page.
The safest thing I can do:
That's it. Which means the best thing I can do is:
Because both of those are inconvenient, one you've signed in I'll keep you signed in on that device for 1 year.
I cannot lose your password if I never have it. So we don't use passwords any more, and life goes on.