The novatec one ->http://www.only-highend.biz/epages/63221174.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/63221174/Products/OH-000062
ali-express link -> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/High-Quality-chosen-32-Holes-bicycle-bike-hub-MTB-Road-mountain-Bicycle-bike-Novatec-D566SBT-Hubs/32443847603.html?spm=2114.13010308.0.129.nZKbHP
Try searching for Novatec D166SBT
firstly thanks for all the replies everyone! so helpful
and @svendhöek you hero this is the exact kind of thing i was hoping to find - nice one - ordered
@xkittyx yeah i was considering mack but looks like their websites down? and i saw on a thread on another forum that apparently they've been inactive on Facebook and emails recently... sad if permanent, I've got a pair of macks - such beautiful hubs
@andy_k @drøn its for a frame i built, its got sliding dropouts 120mm spaced so that i can run it fixed easily, and i figured a hub like the novatec existed. its got braze ons for front and rear disc and a hub gear as there are a couple of sturmey archers in a 120 with a disc brake which I'm planning on building at some point. i'll post some pics when its back from the painters!
Novatec had one on their website until its revamp a few months ago.
Can't remember its part number, though, and hardly any images online. Will be very hard to find.
EDIT: BTW It was for screw-on freewheel/fixed sprocket.