Depending on when you last did your FTP test, you might want to re-test and adjust your profile accordingly.
Alternatively, you could increase your workout stress by adjusting the % on each TR workout.You seem to have a decent amount of volume in there at the moment and you dont want to be loading your system too much if you are planning to go through the base and build phase process for the winter. Just make sure you aren't just doing the same that you did last year...
This is my first winter of 'training' proper, with the hope of putting another .5w/kg on my FTP (gone from 2.5 to 3.5 this year). I'm the fittest and lightest I've ever been but I don't think I can lose that much more weight, so more power is my only option. As we go into Autumn, what should I be doing if I want to peak in the spring? Base phase until December, then a build phase? I'm following the trainer road Sweet spot base at the moment which feels super easy, but is that kind of the point?
I've no idea what I'm doing really, but I do know that spring last year I tried to fit too much in over a month or so and ended up fucking myself for a couple of months and I'd rather not do that again.
My schedule looks like 2-3 midweek rides, hour each with lots of sweet spot and some short intervals then a 3+ hour endurance ride (club run) every Sunday. We have a winter chaingang thing up here which starts in November and usually ends up being around 2 hours of tempo, and I'll do that on top of, or in place of one of the indoor sessions if I feel like it.
I suppose my question is if I feel ok with the load I'm doing, should I just keep doing it for the next few months or is it necessary to take a step back during the winter to work on base fitness?