I need to fit bigger headers and pipe all the way through. Currently running 1.75" headers into a 3" collector into 2" pipe all the way back. Definitely a big restriction on top end. Need 2" headers into 3.5" tube. Going to cost at least $1500 and fitting the headers might be a bit of a cock.
Plus side, much more power, some more noise. Mrs Jung might not be amused...
I need to fit bigger headers and pipe all the way through. Currently running 1.75" headers into a 3" collector into 2" pipe all the way back. Definitely a big restriction on top end. Need 2" headers into 3.5" tube. Going to cost at least $1500 and fitting the headers might be a bit of a cock.
Plus side, much more power, some more noise. Mrs Jung might not be amused...