Doesn't even matter cos my "triggered" comment got deleted. Lfgss censorship? how progressive...
@Gustav being a social justice warrior is fine, but aim your anger at those that deserve it, next time you get triggered have a think about what happens in Chechnya, because your accusation isn't doing anybody justice
Look mate, I understand from your avatar that you find humour in repetition, in this case internet memes, but the whole 'triggered' memes comes from arseholes belittling victims of rape ffs.
Clearly people, including the owner of this website thinks that's a shitty thing to do. If you think it's 'censorship' for this site to be welcoming to a wide range of people regardless of accidents of birth or things that have happened to them out of their control, and if you use the term 'social justice warrior' unironically, perhaps you should fuck off to some shithole like reddit or the chans which are a 'safe space' for that kind of bullshit, because it isn't fucking welcome here.
Wait I thought you were talking about Laura Trott posting here. Confuse.
Also - guys - reddit is that way with yer 'triggered' and 'white knight' comments >>>>