We need to open a MEH thred then
TM: "So I keep coming across bikes like this I like, they're not porn, not anti, not rat/beater/frankenbikes, trick, Lo-Pros or polo bikes...
So I thought it was about time we had a thread to discuss and admire our favourite guilty pleasures... I'm not talking HHSB as in colour coded everything, supreme stickers and ironic saddle angle.... Just something kind of awesome that you would actually own or ride.
Welcome to the HHSB thread!"
Yeah it's my bike. I was just being pleased to have reach what I consider to be hiphop porn and a wee bit cocky cause it felt good. But please verybody is untitled to his own opinion (whole point here). I thought you guys would be more chilled and humored about all this (don't forget to watch Fawlty Towers this weekend and relax from this stressing week).