I think it's some aspect of cumulative calculated fatigue (a la CTL) but mostly it's the HR Variability (HRV) stuff they bought from FirstBeat.
The more regular and evenly spaced your individual heart beats are the more stressed/fatigued you are.
I got a '60 hours' from just 40 minutes of 5-a-side (and only an hour or so of light stuff in the 7 days before that) but I've got a heavy head cold at the moment so my body is all over the place. Only 9 days until IM Wales. Joy.
I thought it was based on heart rate varibility (HRV). Which is and indication of how quickly Your heart reacts to stress, and how quickly it recovers.
I find it pretty spot on. Sometimes a low TSS workout will give me epic recovery time if its poorly timed (when I'm already fatigued). I can feel it too. Used together With TSB its a great indicator of freshness.
There's chatter about it back here..
Probably been covered before, so apolz:
How does the recovery time estimate on the garmin actually work? is it based on time in HR zone? I know it's best taken with a pinch of salt but interested nonetheless.
I was quite satisfied to get a '50 hour' time this morning after a 50 min turbo session. 1 hour per minute. my HR was through the roof however.