Possibly. You could definitely get a solicitor with a lower basic fee and you can (potentially) save a bit on home surveys if you piggy-back on the lenders valuer and stuff but I wouldn't want to be banking on spending a lot less than that personally (especially as it sounds as though OP doesn't have a lot of wiggle room if it turns out he's under-budgeted).
That's kind of what I'm thinking - save up for a worst case scenario and if I fail to hit the target, or there're complications, at least I've got some breathing space.
Possibly. You could definitely get a solicitor with a lower basic fee and you can (potentially) save a bit on home surveys if you piggy-back on the lenders valuer and stuff but I wouldn't want to be banking on spending a lot less than that personally (especially as it sounds as though OP doesn't have a lot of wiggle room if it turns out he's under-budgeted).