My TT frame arrived yesterday! I guess that means I'm now committed, at least in spring once I've had time to regain proper fitness and to slowly build the bike.
It's all a bit frightning...everyone's been telling me for ages that I'd be a natural TT'er ,but I have no idea what to expect. I'm currently resisting the urge to bankrupt myself building a bike that's worth more than all my others combined, yet will be used for maybe 300 mile/year, and that's being optimistic.
My TT frame arrived yesterday! I guess that means I'm now committed, at least in spring once I've had time to regain proper fitness and to slowly build the bike.
It's all a bit frightning...everyone's been telling me for ages that I'd be a natural TT'er ,but I have no idea what to expect. I'm currently resisting the urge to bankrupt myself building a bike that's worth more than all my others combined, yet will be used for maybe 300 mile/year, and that's being optimistic.