Sam is 11 so he is on a pet plan old policy which covers up to 4000 a year. When he had his tumour that year he used up 3996 of insurance. Phew.
I can't remember what sort of tumour it was, but it was on the side of his paw and it looked at first that he had caught his claw on something. Thankfully we caught it early because having the chat with the surgeon about him potentially amputating his front leg was not fun. If that was going to happen I would have said goodbye because he is such an outdoors cat. It's a bloody miracle he is still here 4 years on. I remember I was looking at taking a kitten at the time just in case. But Sam is still here, clingy soppy sausage that he is, currently asleep next to me, snoring away.
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Also, what type of tumour was it, do you know? Patch's had Mast cell tumour and it's very common on cats and dogs but lucky for the kitties they don't tend to spread whereas for dogs, it would usually be a lot more serious...