My commutes only 16 miles each way but essentially you have to make a decision about priorities. You're going to struggle to build any meaningful strength whilst also adapting to spending 2-3 hours a day cycling. One gym session a week will help limit losses but if your heart's not in it or there are more important things in life, then why go at all? It's balancing personal priorities.
I've come to the conclusion that if you really want to become faster on the bike, you're better off buying a car and using the saved commuting and recovery time for targeted turbo work. Or for smashing up the gym. Or both. Either way, I don't think commuting is an effective training strategy (lots of other reasons to cycle commute though, enough that I still do it)
Yeah I totally get that. I got rid of the car, well not rid, left it for the mrs once the lil one has popped out to carry 2 kids around. I do 20 or so mile each way and extra before or after. So friday i did swains and 3 laps of regents thinking that may help. Not sure what your thoughts are on that?
I think gym ideally in my head is the only way ill gain strength especially upper body (and get faster) as i wont be able to get a turbo in our small flat with kids. Then again i have a secure car park
5x3 or 3x5 sounds a good compromise. Question is whether time is there to go gym? Maybe 3 months off then go back. Which will allow my body to adapt the intensive cycling. Does that sound plausible? Or am I waffling?