Similar training but with 5x3 or 3x5 would both lower training stress whilst keeping intensity and decent volume. Tonnage will be lower but I think that's probably a fact of life right now. 5/3/1 is decent, if you run it keep accessories fairly stripped back but I wouldn't bin them entirely. Twice/week version might suit you well.
I have a home gym so can run small, frequent sessions without wasting too much time. If you need to cut back days at the gym to keep motivation high then do that.
Similar training but with 5x3 or 3x5 would both lower training stress whilst keeping intensity and decent volume. Tonnage will be lower but I think that's probably a fact of life right now. 5/3/1 is decent, if you run it keep accessories fairly stripped back but I wouldn't bin them entirely. Twice/week version might suit you well.
I have a home gym so can run small, frequent sessions without wasting too much time. If you need to cut back days at the gym to keep motivation high then do that.