Top of the range, even for a zero miler. I'd rather have a period modded RC30 with some of the HRC Kit and a full Sir Tony Scott blueprinted motor. The 30 was a significantly more special bike than the 45 (though I love the 45 too.) John Kocsinski's Castrol RC45 was one of the best looking and most awesome sounding superbikes ever.
Honda building a toned down, 211v for the masses (or even at a 20k or so price point) is probably the only thing that would tempt me to buy another big capacity Superbike. Spesh if they still gave it some HRC gilting.
Top of the range, even for a zero miler. I'd rather have a period modded RC30 with some of the HRC Kit and a full Sir Tony Scott blueprinted motor. The 30 was a significantly more special bike than the 45 (though I love the 45 too.) John Kocsinski's Castrol RC45 was one of the best looking and most awesome sounding superbikes ever.
Honda building a toned down, 211v for the masses (or even at a 20k or so price point) is probably the only thing that would tempt me to buy another big capacity Superbike. Spesh if they still gave it some HRC gilting.