It's the shape that's troubling me - all four sides of mine will be different lengths, and none of the corners will be right angles - a day of googling makes me think no one offers anything quite that bespoke. I've booked a meeting with a builder next week, imagine my scope might come down a bit after that estimate is given :)
The condensation / humidity / temp will ultimately be sensor controlled - I build guitars and they're quite sensitive to movement.
I am jealous of all your sheds.
It's the shape that's troubling me - all four sides of mine will be different lengths, and none of the corners will be right angles - a day of googling makes me think no one offers anything quite that bespoke. I've booked a meeting with a builder next week, imagine my scope might come down a bit after that estimate is given :)
The condensation / humidity / temp will ultimately be sensor controlled - I build guitars and they're quite sensitive to movement.