Well it's all together and I've taken it for a quick spin and it's lovely to ride.
Cheap mismatched Ambrosio rims on Ultegra hubs. (Ambrosio Nemesis when funds allow)
I went for 25mm Continental grand Prix Classics which seem really rather good as I think I read @Poetic saying that they were good.
I crossed the gear cable from the shifters which I think looks alright.
Just need to decide on bar tape as the main frame is a sparkling black with the decals having pink /blue.
Well it's all together and I've taken it for a quick spin and it's lovely to ride.
Cheap mismatched Ambrosio rims on Ultegra hubs. (Ambrosio Nemesis when funds allow)
I went for 25mm Continental grand Prix Classics which seem really rather good as I think I read @Poetic saying that they were good.
I crossed the gear cable from the shifters which I think looks alright.
Just need to decide on bar tape as the main frame is a sparkling black with the decals having pink /blue.