Not go for H+Son ebay build because the man may not know how to build wheels overall.
Given the cost of the rims and hubs, I don't see much money left-over for the build and spokes which isn't a good compromise.
V-Sprint are a safer bet because they are known in the forum.
Lots of his wheels in circulation and in the rare instances that there have been problems, his after-sales support is excellent: can you say the same of MiC?
Miche set is good, but may not be best value for money over the V-Sprint builds or even the ebay build.
The Miche are entirely adequate, but yes I'd say you're getting more for your money from V-Sprint and I'd rather support a UK independent than a large international corporation.
Forget about weight, it's largely irrelevant: this refers specifically to pedals, but the principle is the same.
The difference between a "light" and a "heavy" wheelset is in the order of 500g: if these wheels are for hacking around town, I'd guess you're doing so in jeans and trainers, carrying a D-lock etc etc, so (possibly) compromising the strength of your wheels to save a few grammes is a poor choice.
Thanks @1993 and @Tijs
H+ Soon is 32/32 spokes.
Pistard 24/32 (if my counting is good at that angle on the wiggle site)
So, it looks like a toss up then and more based on looks to choose in between these.
So, in summary:
Not go for H+Son ebay build because the man may not know how to build wheels overall.
V-Sprint are a safer bet because they are known in the forum.
Miche set is good, but may not be best value for money over the V-Sprint builds or even the ebay build.
Did I get all of this right?
How about other lighter options? Saw on BLB's site that they are importing these new Factory 5 wheelsets from a chinese set up shop run by some Americans.