• #14377
I move it there.
When there's a group of cyclists, the sign is almost invisible from the back.
• #14378
Surely a sign saying "DANGER, beware of cyclists when turning your lorry" would have been better?
• #14379
It's probably not acceptable but plenty of people get away with it. I choose to wait with the traffic, but it's up to everyone to make and stick by their decisions.
Provided everyone heading east has passed through, there's certainly time to nip down the lane before the lights change, so no wonder people give it a go. Where was the bloke trying to overtake the bus?
• #14380
And a third sign...
Beware: sign about victim-blaming sign ahead
This could run and run.
• #14381
in the drivers cab - possibly pinned to the middle of the steering wheel. or flashing on the drivers phone.
• #14382
Enjoyed The Who blasting out of a recumbent cyclist's stereo this morning at the bottom of Pentonville Road. Would rock out again. 9/10 Would have been 10/10 if it had been Baba O'Reilly playing.
• #14383
Yeah, cool, but I draw the line at any recum-bants ... they're such a mardy, defensive and unfriendly breed. /generalisingiscool
• #14384
I'm going on a ride weds morning with some tfl guys to talk about traffic management around roadworks/building sites. When I cycled past an hour ago the sign was still gone. Building trade more or less closes early on friday so wasn't going to hang around to see a delivery truck appear and watch what traffic management they do. Will work out which site it is from and ask what the plan they have down is, it's a good place to highlight how building sites traffic management interact with cyclists(or doesn't) and if it strikes a cord with the right people the standards and expectations could be improved.
My feelings towards it are to use the accordion style barriers to fully close the cycle lane and pavement for a few moments while they turn in. With a good team and clear enough route in it takes 30sec and is just far safer for everyone. Putting down a sign and turning across a very active cycle lane as traffic management is negligence.
• #14385
Have had some fantastic commutes this week. Sunny + breeze + quiet roads (some very early starts and some very late finishes).
Changed eastbound route now to avoid that Westminster / Bridge St junction - just take Whitehall --> Horse Guards Ave. I know that's not revolutionary, but much happier with it.
The Eastcheap vs Lower Thames st junction is a complete joke on the superhighway but I try not to blame the drivers who get in the way - it is just a terrible design and should probably have a box junction or something there.
• #14386
Riding home tonight and a rock the size of a child's fist came sailing out of a people carrier, across my path and into the verge. Turns out it'd come from a child's fist.
I went to speak to the driver and lost my rag a bit. Then she lost hers. Then she said I was angry because she was black and I was "a very racist man". Very loudly. In front of people. Near my home. Not pleasant.
It's all on my GoPro. Do I do anything? What do I do? Bit weird and I'm a bit confused by it all.
• #14387
Without seeing the film it sounds like she pulled the colour card to get off the hook and deny responsibility. Unpleasant, but don't let it put you off trying to deal with a similar situation again.
• #14388
Post the footage so we can help you to decide what to do.
• #14390
That one in Farringdon Road are very active and professional in their management, which make the Blackfriar look half arsed.
• #14391
Is she saying she told her kid to fling rocks at you as you are white?
• #14392
Little sod. Couldn't afford rocks to play with when I was a kid.
• #14393
Tbh I don't think there is much to do there. She is a bit hysterical and is reacting defensively.
Reminds me of a time I was walking to the station, had just started to progress across a cross over onto a tesco / esso garage when a driver pulled across from the far carriageway and went at some speed over the pavement crossover right in front of me. I made some "wtf" type gesture which then provoked a debate. Her first response was "this is London, get over it". When I didn't "get over it" she then claimed that I was harassing her and she was going to call the police!
Tl;dr - life's too short.
• #14394
National MGIF day today it seems (bicycles and cars).
Still, fewer cars due to school holidays is nice.
• #14395
when do the miserable little turds get incarcerated again?
• #14396
Next week (although some schools aren't back until the Tuesday or Wednesday due to INSET days or being posh).
• #14397
Today's 'miserable little turds'. Tomorrows LFGSS followers........
• #14398
I feel your pain. It's one of those ones that you have to let slide I guess. Sadly.
Sadly because if the mother was held accountable for the child's actions things might be different.
• #14399
Next week (although some schools aren't back until the Tuesday or Wednesday due to INSET days or being posh).
I remember meeting this kid called Roy who was obsessed with INSET days. Odd lad, major unresolved daddy issues. Lived some place called Tannhauser Gate.
• #14400
Love that film!!111one!!11two!!!!
"I'll be back!"
Seems like a bit of a stupid place to put the sign given the large islands between the bike and motor vehicle lanes.