Yeah, this is similar to my view. I think Labour has a lot of bridge-building to do to return to political health, and Owen Smith's promise to lose another referendum is not only preaching to the converted, but betrays a complete lack of comprehension regarding the electoral/demographic hole Labour is currently in.
Corbyn is quite likely to lose the next General election, but Smith and the ilk don't seem to realise the existential threat to the party.
I find it very odd that Owen Smith is being so vehemently anti Brexit. It's like he hasn't twigged that a big proportion of disillusioned Labour voters voted out. But critically, how can he not see people have had enough of politicians ignoring popular opinion and just doing what they want?
He will be a disaster for Labour. Possibly even more so than Corbyn. I want to cry.
The Ed Miller Band was on the news this morning backing Owen's suggestion of another referendum. Humphries asked him whether he thought he should have got another go at the general election. Lozzles.