If you ever want to do norseman then definitely enter. The chances of getting a slot in the ballot are very slim, but they are getting worse each year. They now have a weighted lottery system whereby each time you fail in the ballot you get an extra ticket for next year's ballot. It's still a random draw, but it means that someone who enters 2 years in a row is twice as likely to get a slot as a first time entrant, and a third time entrant is 3x as likely etc. If you miss a year, or you get a slot then you go back to square one.
Norseman is on my bucket list. It's frustrating because I actually got a slot years ago when there were only about 350entrants for 250 places. I had been put on a reserve list and got my place when someone else pulled out. However they took so long to tell me that I'd already entered imat and booked flights accommodation etc.
I've tried a couple of other times over the years but with so success. I don't particularly want to race in 2017, i have other plans, but the new entry system means I can't afford not to enter.
If you ever want to do norseman then definitely enter. The chances of getting a slot in the ballot are very slim, but they are getting worse each year. They now have a weighted lottery system whereby each time you fail in the ballot you get an extra ticket for next year's ballot. It's still a random draw, but it means that someone who enters 2 years in a row is twice as likely to get a slot as a first time entrant, and a third time entrant is 3x as likely etc. If you miss a year, or you get a slot then you go back to square one.
Norseman is on my bucket list. It's frustrating because I actually got a slot years ago when there were only about 350entrants for 250 places. I had been put on a reserve list and got my place when someone else pulled out. However they took so long to tell me that I'd already entered imat and booked flights accommodation etc.
I've tried a couple of other times over the years but with so success. I don't particularly want to race in 2017, i have other plans, but the new entry system means I can't afford not to enter.