Last week, in Manchester (sorry, not 'This Morning...'). Another close shave with the same semi-suicidal male cyclist who waits, with his foot on the kerb, ON the junction with the perpendicular road that I'm travelling on (i.e. the absolute juncture with a 40mph dual carriageway, instead of the stop line of the ASZ some 5m+ behind him). He then begins to roll forward, without checking its clear, not when his own traffic light turns green, but a couple of seconds sooner when he sees my light turn to amber... This is the precise moment I spin over the line because I've sprinted to make the lights.
Cue expletives and massive skid to avoid the front wheel of the (probably MediaCity-bound, headphone-wearing) idiot, while trying to avoid changing lanes and thus being taken out by the car passing to my right.
Same guy (unfortunately no Strava FlyBy to identify him) has done similar on two occasions previously, so maybe as this was the third, he felt my time was up (?), or something.
Any daily cyclist in the area has probably already noticed, but the standard of riding from the young-ish tv types in the area, who've recently started commuting by bicycle (colourful new road bike, all the MTB-style Cycle2Work commuter gear) is appalling.
Last week, in Manchester (sorry, not 'This Morning...'). Another close shave with the same semi-suicidal male cyclist who waits, with his foot on the kerb, ON the junction with the perpendicular road that I'm travelling on (i.e. the absolute juncture with a 40mph dual carriageway, instead of the stop line of the ASZ some 5m+ behind him). He then begins to roll forward, without checking its clear, not when his own traffic light turns green, but a couple of seconds sooner when he sees my light turn to amber... This is the precise moment I spin over the line because I've sprinted to make the lights.
Cue expletives and massive skid to avoid the front wheel of the (probably MediaCity-bound, headphone-wearing) idiot, while trying to avoid changing lanes and thus being taken out by the car passing to my right.
Same guy (unfortunately no Strava FlyBy to identify him) has done similar on two occasions previously, so maybe as this was the third, he felt my time was up (?), or something.
Any daily cyclist in the area has probably already noticed, but the standard of riding from the young-ish tv types in the area, who've recently started commuting by bicycle (colourful new road bike, all the MTB-style Cycle2Work commuter gear) is appalling.