Referendum or a general election. The difference - as you know - is that he's calling for this because he's pro-EU and trying to stop the mess that is Brexit going ahead. Boris Johnson (and others) lied through their teeth then didn't have a plan, so personally I think it's only right that the British public gets an 'Are you sure?' before the nuclear option is triggered.
It's good to hear this from a Labour leadership contender and a shame we're not hearing anything similar from Corbyn, but then as Smith has pointed out he did call for article 50 to be triggered immediately after the vote so what should we expect.
Smith has also called on Corbyn to match this commitment. I'm sure he will right, most of his supporters are pro-EU, so why wouldn't he?
Owen Smith calling for second referendum after any deal with the EU is put together. Wasn't that the approach from Boris Johnson?