I use Injinji Lightweight + Cool Max Wrightsock for blister prevention on long runs. I found the recommendation on fellrnr a few years ago when I was trying a few ultras and it was revolutionary. The only time i can remember getting even a hotspot with this combination was at mile 90 of the Thames path after 22hours of wet feet.
I use Injinji Lightweight + Cool Max Wrightsock for blister prevention on long runs. I found the recommendation on fellrnr a few years ago when I was trying a few ultras and it was revolutionary. The only time i can remember getting even a hotspot with this combination was at mile 90 of the Thames path after 22hours of wet feet.
Of course it's all personal... My gf has weird toes so doesn't like the ininjis and we're yet to find socks that stop blisters over about 15k.