I wear an hr strap on my commutes. In the absence of a powermeter, TP will automatically calculate a TSS score for the ride based on hr data (hrTSS). I can't remember the exact formula but I think TP's hrTSS score is based on TRIMP score. GC doesn't do this automatically, but it can show TRIMP(100) scores which are based on hr and have the same scale as TSS/TriScore. To get commutes to show up on the Pic I manually enter the TRIMP score into the empty TriScore/TSS box.
I wish you could automate the process of estimating TSS/TriScore using the best available data in GC but I haven't worked out how yet.
All good ideas. I think though, that if I'm to bother tracking power data at all, my 220 miles of commuting per week is such a large percentage of my riding that to omit it or fudge it would defeat the purpose. Hopefully Dammit will be providing a solution to the commute, which means I just need to find the cheapest possible solution for my Rotor equipped summer and winter road bikes. And a Garmin or some such.