Selling a few bits that I were for a build that I am now taking in a diferent direction. Some bits bought off here some off ebay, selling for what I paid.
Profile design 1" threadless carbon forks, decent condition, few scratches 22cm steerer – £60NOW SOLD
Easton EA50 Monkey Bars (Think they are 26mm) – £10 NOW SOLD
ITM Big One 1" stem – £15
Alter Stem – £20 NOW SOLD
1" stem Adapter – Free with either stem to whoever wants it. NOW SOLD
Selling a few bits that I were for a build that I am now taking in a diferent direction. Some bits bought off here some off ebay, selling for what I paid.
Profile design 1" threadless carbon forks, decent condition, few scratches 22cm steerer – £60 NOW SOLD
Easton EA50 Monkey Bars (Think they are 26mm) – £10 NOW SOLD
ITM Big One 1" stem – £15
Alter Stem – £20 NOW SOLD
1" stem Adapter – Free with either stem to whoever wants it. NOW SOLD
Dibs/PM, Collection from Bow Quarter E3.
3 Attachments