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  • Not a coder, but turning a single player game into a MMO doesn't sound trivial to me.

  • This is the main thing I'm looking at. Especially given the huge scale of it. I mean Kerbal Space Program has multiplayer on its roadmap. It has been modded in (a la Just Cause 2) and kind of works, but it's been made clear that it's not exactly going to pop up overnight.

    Personally the thing that gets me most about the NMS claims is that I can't help but feeling that it was known by Murphy that it wasn't going to happen and instead he said that it's very unlikely to happen "because of the scale of the game". As opposed to multiplayer simply not being a feature.

    That just struck me as being intentionally misleading.

    I'm not "hating" Murphy, nor have I grown a neck-beard due to holding that opinion. It's just a slippery slope to outright lying which I'd rather was not a trait of people who are keeping us up to date with the development of their game.

    When people are talking about features of an upcoming game, I'd much rather see something along the lines of: "This is what's in already and done. This is what's in and needs polished. This is what we're going to add before it gets released. This is a list of stretch targets. This is something we have no plans for.".

    Can't really see that having a negative effect on the hype.


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