OK, so new question. Do you have a bank account that isn't held with a locally run credit union?
Because if you do, you're directly benefiting from the actions of people who are involved in the net export of wealth from this country. They're arguable a lot more responsible for the failure of local businesses that you've mentioned upthread. Same if you buy anything from a supermarket, buy fuel from any of the major oil companies that run petrol stations in this country, buy service from any of the mobile phone providers, drink beer in any of the brewery controlled pubs in this country... The list goes on quite a long way and I'm sure you can work out who's on it. They're all doing it for the same reasons too. Build up a nest egg while making the smallest contribution possible to the British economy in order to retire to the life of Riley. Compared to your local immigrants, they are several orders of magnitude worse and by buying products and services from them, you're complicit in their activities.
Interestingly, compared to your local immigrants, you're less likely to be making contributions to your local economy. Immigrants are statistically far more likely to be using local owned and run businesses and services than British born nationals are. That money spent in the local economy stays in it for a lot longer and has a higher economic impact than money spent into businesses involved in the global economy. So if you're spending on anything included in that very long list, you too are contributing to the failure of those local businesses that you're lamenting and you're a cunt too.
Oh right. My brother in law is doing that right now. Of course he's working in the US and sending the money back here though. Does that make him more or less of a cunt?