• #502
All in
• #503
Common sense prevails
• #504
• #505
• #506
So how do they approach it this time?!
• #507
Kenny will win it now.
• #508
This is where we need the lip readers telling us people's reactions.
• #509
What the fuck!
• #510
• #511
• #512
DQ everyone and settle it with Rock paper sissors.
• #513
• #514
Epic scenes. Is the Derny going too slowly?
• #515
Fucking hell
• #516
Fuckin' amateurs.
• #517
At this rate, they will still be racing tomorrow...
• #518
• #519
• #520
In theory this could happen enough times to disqualify every rider.
• #521
Why can't the derny have a nice small camera instead of the dorky backpack?
• #522
How is what she said sour grapes? Did you even read her quotes?
• #523
Well yes in theory but if you were the last rider left you'd have to be a bit stupid to overtake the derny
• #524
too risky a move by Eilers there.
• #525
The camera isn't exactly on the line apparently.
Think Kenny is out here..